Please check which Tier you are subscribed to. There are some benefits that are not available in certain Tiers, and others that vary depending on the Tier level.
Here is a more detailed explanation of differences between Tier levels.
- Tier One
- VIP Gift
- Tier Two
- VIP Gift
- VIP Safe
- Free Instant Squad Refills
- Tier Two Subscribers can only use Five free refills per day
- VIP Rewards During Events
- Tier Two Subscribers only get extra rewards for the following Events:
- Guerrilla Consumables Event
- Smuggler Challenge
- Sicario Challenge
- Elite Raid Event
- Tier Two Subscribers only get extra rewards for the following Events:
- Tier Three
- VIP Gift
- VIP Safe
- Free Instant Squad Refills
- Tier Three Subscribers get an unlimited amount of free refills per day
- VIP Insurance
- VIP Rewards During Events
- Tier Three Subscribers get extra rewards during ALL Events, except for the Cartel Chest and Informants Hunt
- VIP Sicarios
- VIP Color in Chat
If you still believe you are not receiving all of the benefits your Subscription Tier provides, please contact our support team so they can make this right. They can be reached two different ways:
- By choosing "Report an issue" in the Settings menu
- Via email at
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